Cloud Phone
UI & UX design guidelines

Updated: May 9, 2024


Cloud Phone is a cloud-based phone platform allowing users to access popular web services on feature phones. Developers can create cross-platform widgets using web technology compatible with various feature phones.Ensuring a seamless, user-centered experience is vital for the success of any widget. These guidelines provide valuable insights on creating widget icons, optimizing layouts, and aligning typography with Cloud Phone's aesthetics and UX standards. Following these principles will enable your widget to integrate with the platform while preserving its unique identity.

Widget icon

Widget icons serve as the first point of interaction between users and your widget. With feature phones, simplicity is key. Designing a memorable and intuitive widget icon will attract viewers towards your widget. In this section, we delve into the art of creating widget icons that are eye-catching and easily recognizable on small screens.

With effective icon design, we can ensure user recognition and smooth widget navigation.

Widget icon

Improve user recognition by focusing on a central concept that embodies your widget's essence and crafting a clear, distinctive icon. Avoid excessive details that may become unclear, especially at low resolutions like QQVGA.

Size & shape

To provide a consistent and visually appealing user experience, Cloud Phone has specific requirements for widget icon size, shape, and design.

Each widget must provide a baseline icon of 80 x 80 pixels for use on the all-widgets grid and list views of Cloud Phone and throughout the platform once the widget is installed.

Design tips:

Here are some tips for designing your icons:

  • Image Format: Ensure that the widget icon image is in 24-bit PNG format and sized at 80 x 80 pixels.
  • Icon Shape: You can choose between a 64 x 64 pixels round shape, a 60 x 60 pixels square shape (recommended), or any other shape you choose.


Appropriate widget icon Size

It is important to maintain the icon design within the range of 60x60 and 64x64 pixels; an oversized icon may obstruct the view when a widget is selected.

Widget icon size

Concise widget icon style

Use solid colors with minimal embellishments for all elements.

  • We recommend designing a simplified graphic that emphasizes key features instead of using a photo.
  • Photos, with their intricate details, may display poorly on low-quality screens.
  • Overly detailed icons can pose consistency issues on feature phones when integrating 3D designs and shadows.

Widget icon style

Icon transparency

Avoid using a transparent widget icon and background color; it can make it difficult to distinguish the icon from the wallpaper.

Icon transparency


Effective layout design is crucial on feature phones due to limited space. The following strategies organize content and navigation elements for a seamless, intuitive, and engaging user experience by maximizing screen space.


A header appears below the status bar. The text in the header is centered and displays the widget name or title.


Software key

A software key is a customizable button or virtual key within the phone's interface. It compensates for limited physical buttons, allowing users to personalize functions. Users can configure these keys through the phone's settings, tailoring the device to their preferences.

The software key appears at the bottom of the screen, corresponding to the center, right, and left hardware keys. The presence of each key may vary based on feature availability.

Under specific conditions, using an icon for the center key is permissible, provided it is universally recognized, such as a play or pause icon.

Software key


Margins are the space between the content and the left and right edges of the screen.

Margin widths are determined using fixed or scaling values within each breakpoint range. To optimize adaptability to various screen sizes, margin widths can be adjusted at different breakpoints. Wider margins are better suited for larger screens, as they provide more white space around the content's perimeter.



Typography is the backbone of user experience on feature phones.

Given limited screen space, selecting appropriate fonts and sizes becomes critical for readability. In this section, we'll explore primary typographic principles designed for small screens. Mastery of these principles ensures that users can navigate menus and access information with ease, ultimately improving overall usability and satisfaction.


Utilize font weight and size only to highlight essential information within your widget.

Roboto & Roboto Condensed

Cloud Phone uses two weights of Roboto (regular and bold) and Roboto Condensed in Black.

Roboto & Roboto Condensed

Font sizes

Cloud Phone uses a predetermined range of font sizes, carefully calibrated to emphasize the importance of content while ensuring readability.

Below, you will find a list of frequently used styles and necessary components you might need. These encompass four preset styles tailored for displays featuring QVGA and QQVGA resolutions.

Font sizes
Font sizes

User feedback and response

User feedback tells us about their experiences and needs. Responsive interactions ensure that their voices are acknowledged and addressed. Below, we explore the process of harnessing feedback to improve designs and providing timely responses to boost user confidence and engagement.

  • Responsive Feedback: Provide immediate feedback for user actions. Use subtle animations, vibrations, or sound cues to confirm button presses.
  • Error Handling: Clearly communicate errors with simple, easy-to-understand messages. Offer guidance on how to resolve issues.

Performance optimization

Performance optimization is critical for feature phone usability. Streamlining code and minimizing resource usage ensure that every user action, from button presses to menu navigation, is smooth and effortless. Let's uncover the essentials for crafting feature phone software that delivers unparalleled user satisfaction.

  • Efficient Coding: Write clean, efficient code to optimize software performance. Feature phones often have limited processing power, ensuring smooth operation.
  • Minimize Data Usage: Design apps to minimize data usage, considering users with limited data plans.

Testing and iteration

Outstanding feature phone design is founded on the principles of testing and iteration. The former provides insights into user behaviors, while the latter refines our designs based on real feedback. This section delves into the iterative process of transforming good designs into exceptional ones. Through continuous adaptation and enhancement, we craft feature phone interfaces that prioritize intuitiveness and user-centered design. Let's embark on this journey to perfect our user experience.

  • Real user testing: Conduct usability tests with actual feature phone users. Gather feedback and iterate on the design based on user experiences.

  • Continuous improvement: Regularly update the software based on user feedback and evolving technology. Embrace user-centered design fundamentals for ongoing enhancements.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can create feature phone software that provides a seamless, intuitive, and enjoyable user experience.